Friday, 11 June 2021

A Poor Pigeon And Back To The Caravan

 Poor Scarlett had a nasty cough and cold yesterday. We went for our walk and she was so proud of her new pink sandals but she wasn't quite herself. I knew she must be feeling ill as when we were in the garden she said she wanted to go inside and watch television. Normally she would be out in the garden until eldest daughter comes to pick her up at the end of the day. When eldest daughter arrived we spent a long time trying to work out how we are going to manage it all when Scarlett starts school in September, eldest daughter is trying to change her hours to fit around it but her partner is starting a new job, still in the police, but based at Westminster later in the year so it is all very up in the air. I just used my usual mantra I use all the time lately, we'll just take each week as it comes and make sure that is OK and then worry about the following week then. Between us as a family I'm sure we can mange it all. 

Eldest son phoned me in the evening to see how our time at the caravan had been. He has been working so hard after returning to work following coronavirus and said there was so much to catch up with after his ten days off. As has been working such long days he had been staying up near his work and yesterday was the first day back home in over a week. He had a terrible shock when he walked into his house, he said at first he thought he had been burgled. Everything in his living room and kitchen was all in disarray but then worse than that he realised there was bird poo everywhere. A poor pigeon had come down the chimney and as eldest son hadn't been home must have been trying to get out for days. It was lying on his kitchen floor dead, he was ever so upset as apart from the hours it took him to clean up he felt so sad for the pigeon who must have had a horrible death. He's so soft hearted things like that really upset him. 

Tom and I are back to the caravan this morning. We are having a long day there and coming back late this evening as tomorrow we are taking eldest and youngest daughters and Scarlett with us for the day. I'm sure the dogs will be thrilled when they realise where we are going. I just had to share a few of the photos of them at the caravan with you. As you can see they are definitely happy campers! 

Have a really wonderful day everyone. I hope you are enjoying some of this lovely sunshine. xx
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