Thursday, 3 June 2021

A Bird Of Prey

 Although it was lovely and warm yesterday, it wasn't as sunny as the day before. I spent a lot of the afternoon, replanting seedlings and the free plug plants that were delivered a while ago. I mentioned that I had been sent an offer for twenty free Geranium plug plants, I only had to pay postage. Well they arrived and they were so tiny I'm not sure if they will ever grow enough this year to flower. I have re potted them all so only time will tell. I also potted a tiny little azalea that has grown from a seed I collected from my Dad's beautiful orange azalea last year. I really want this to survive so will be giving it extra special care.

When I was out in the garden I was talking to my next door neighbour. Strangely after writing yesterday about wildlife declining, he was telling me a bird of prey landed in his garden a few days earlier. I had seen a bird hovering in the air a few weeks ago and it crossed my mind it looked like a bird of prey but I dismissed it as not possible. He wasn't sure what it was and hadn't been able to get a photo but from his description we decided it may have been a sparrow hawk. Although I'm a bit worried for our small birds, it is something quite exciting to look out for. This beautiful photo of a Sparrow Hawk with it's prey was taken by Pierre Dalous and shared on Wikipedia.

Tom finished his shift yesterday and is now off for 17 days. He is so excited to not be going out every morning and crawling through traffic all day. Although we will be driving backwards and forwards to the caravan quite a bit at least we can mostly choose the times we travel to avoid the traffic. I have a feeling it may be quite busy everywhere but if needs be we'll just sit by the caravan and admire the view! Scarlett is coming this morning and we will be out and about in this lovely sunshine. I hope everyone has a really nice day what ever you are doing. xx
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