It was such a beautiful sunny day yesterday I managed to finish nearly all the last little bits in the duck run. I painted their house, I just have one more side to go but ran out of time. The whole time I was painting naughty Carue our male duck pecked away at my ankles making it all much harder than it should have been. I just ignore him and carry on and I can see the annoyance on his little face I don't react! As I have said before we drove a 100 mile round trip to a farm to pick him when he was two weeks old. We had hatched one solitary duckling and wanted a companion for her. We rang around duck sellers and eventually found a farmer who said we could have a male call duckling as he had hatched too many and if we didn't take him he would have his neck rung anyway. I sometimes wonder whether a hatred of people developed in those first two weeks as he has never liked us despite all our salad treats! Scoot however who spent her first two weeks in our house and having a daily swim in the bath, loves being carried about and having her neck scratched. Carue looks so cute though waddling about we forgive him anything (almost!).
Although she really does enjoy her swimming. Our next job, now we have a bigger run, is to try and find her a bigger pool. She would love it.