In the end your spirit starts to match the weather! When I arrived at my parents house two of the carers were there who come very regularly. The carers are such kind people. When we found out my Mum would be having carers four times a day at home we were worried, you hear such terrible tales on the TV. My eldest son said "You mustn't leave Grandma alone with them ever and watch your drink!" How wrong we were. They have become like family members. Several of them are Hungarian and my Mum's favourite is a male Hungarian carer who is working over here to pay for his daughters University education. I always joke with her she has always liked handsome young men! They work on zero hours contracts, long hours for little pay yet are happy to come back in their lunch breaks to do extra jobs like washing her hair that they don't have time to do on visits. Just spending some time chatting with them this morning I felt the grey go out of the day. So we have learned never to prejudge and remember despite what you see on TV there are still the kindest of people in the world.