Friday 23 April 2021

Trees In Urban Areas

 After a cold start it was another lovely sunny day. Scarlett and I sit and plan our day while we eat our breakfast. She loves it as we have a bird feeder hanging off our dining room window that is the House Sparrows domain. We have a constant stream of them all day and I'm sure they eat more than the aviary birds but Scarlett just loves them as they are so entertaining to watch. Already planning her trip to the bakers she asked "Will you be buying a wholemeal, square topped, sliced as well as my cake?" They don't miss a thing do they!

After our walk and the trip to the bakers we ate an early lunch as we were so looking forward to spending the afternoon in the garden. Scarlett  is happy to sit and watch the birds and help as much as she can when I'm doing little jobs around. 

She is fascinated by all the little trees growing. Of all the things I grow, I get most pleasure from growing trees. I can't think of anything nicer than being the person who started a large old tree that is still growing, years and years after I am dead and gone. What a simple but wonderful legacy to leave. Someone years ago planted this beautiful ornamental cherry tree opposite our house and I see people constantly stopping to admire it. 

There has been much on the news in the last 24 hours about the spread of trees in the UK. It was really interesting. There are more trees now in urban areas than in the countryside. Large farming areas such as Lincolnshire have the least trees in the country, where as the boroughs of Camden and Croydon, the second being just down the road from me in London are in the top twenty places in England with the most trees. If we are lucky enough to have a garden I think it is important we should try and plant one if we can. I feel really sad when I'm walking the dogs and see front gardens completely paved over. When I was a child all little front gardens had a lawn, flowers and often a pretty tree. I remember when we moved down to Surrey in 1967 the first thing my Dad did was to plant some trees in the garden of our new build. My sister and I were thrilled when we went down the road a couple of years ago to see the lovely ornamental cherry tree he planted was still there in the front garden. I wonder if the maple and apple trees are still in the back garden. 

The survey said that Surrey is the county in England with the most trees and that is where I am off to today to do a bit of family tree investigating. It is a lovely day so I'm really looking forward to it and I'm going to make sure I admire the trees while I'm out and about. I hope everyone has a lovely day what ever your plans. xx
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