Or so my Mum and Dad would sing to me from the old 1950s song when I was a little girl so I think I may always have done it! I'm not sure if it works but I'm trying everything in an attempt to nurture and encourage all my little tree seedlings. Last autumn Scarlett and I went all around local parks with our pocket book of trees, little freezer bags and labels to collect seeds from different types of trees. It was so much fun and Scarlett entered into the spirit of it completely.
I love trees and already have lots of little saplings in pots. I have collected conkers, acorns, silver birch seeds, berries from hawthorn trees, rowan trees and elder trees. I already have little holly trees, cherry trees, fir trees, horse chestnut trees, oak trees and unidentified trees! I have gone tree crazy! Our garden in the summer is starting to resemble a forest in pots and I couldn't be happier. I'm not sure quite what I am going to do with all these trees yet but I am getting so much enjoyment growing them.
Last year during the first lockdown I bought a little greenhouse and had mixed successes with my growing. I think a lot of the problem is our garden is very shady. So many trees in pots! However I nearly always have success with my tree growing. We planted our seeds and berries in four different ways. Some in pots in the garden, some in pots in the greenhouse and some in the little fridge in the greenhouse to "stratify". (I love that word!) and some in a little heated propagator. I must have success with a few of them.