I always remember when I was a student nurse on a geriatric ward in the 1970s. The ward sister would have regular sing-a-longs, she played the piano in the day room and we had to sing all the old songs, the words typed out on sheets of paper, with the patients. I quite enjoyed it but half the patients would end up in tears and I never really understood why but I totally do as I have got older.
My youngest daughter was telling me she was going along a road we used to walk down on the way to school when she and my youngest son were little. She said she could picture us walking along singing. I laughed and said I used to get them to sing with me to keep their spirits up as it was such a long road. "It was such fun" she said "I felt so happy when I remembered it." It is so strange, it's the tiny little mundane memories that matter so much. I used to feel so bad for them on cold days with the long walk but they only remember the fun. I wish I had appreciated it all more at the time
Another item I was so pleased with was a 1970s cookery book. I'm afraid cookery books nowadays just aren't the same. Fancy recipes with 20 ingredients. This one is fantastic with pages of basic recipes and the most wonderful nostalgic retro looking photos. I can't wait to try some out. It was only 50p, and even though the cover is grubby, I can cover it in some lovely retro paper or fabric, so I'm not ashamed of it on the kitchen shelf, and it will last me years,
There is a beautiful red sky this morning but I think there may be some truth in the proverb "Red sky in the morning, shepherds take warning." as I think rain may be coming later. I hope everyone has a wonderful day today and you manage to enjoy a bit of sunshine. xx