Scarlett took the whole procedure very seriously as you can see! She then planted a pack of crocus bulbs. The instructions said close together but not touching. I had to have a bit of a rearrange when she wasn't looking!
They were covered with compost too and both trays watered. Apparently it is important to keep them very moist but not wet. The seeds were put in a sealed plastic bag and have been put in the fridge for 12 weeks. The crocus bulbs I covered with a black plastic bag and have put them at the back of the shed. Hopefully it will be cold enough for them there. They will be brought into the warm three weeks before Christmas and they should flower by Christmas. This is called forcing the bulbs and is what has been done to all the pots that are in the shops at Christmas time.
The rose seeds will be taken out of the fridge at New Year and into a warm light place. The instructions say in the right conditions 20% to 30% will grow. I have no idea if any of this will be successful but it was all worth it just to see the pleasure Scarlett had from doing it all. Fingers crossed as I think success may well spark an interest in gardening with her in the future.
Tom and Scarlett have both gone down with bad colds but hopefully I may be able to avoid one. The weather is quite bright and not really cold so I'm hoping the more I am out and about in the fresh air the more I will fight one off. Have a wonderful day what ever you are doing. xx