Tuesday 9 February 2016

Imogen Passes By

     Well storm Imogen has gone leaving a broken front fence in it's wake which we will have to replace soon. A couple of plastic roof panels have also blown off the duck and hen runs and lie broken on the ground. Other than that we can't complain really as I'm sure lots of people will have suffered much worse damage.
     It's been a lovely bright day today. Lots of sunshine and pancakes for tea with the family. Who could want for more. I even found an hour in between catching up with work to potter about with the hens who were really enjoying the sunshine.

Molly The Pekin Bantam 

Felicity the rescue hen enjoying the suns rays. What a cheeky little face! She doesn't seem bothered by the broken roof panels lying on the ground next to their run. 

I was thrilled to see the beginnings of blossom on our plum tree. This bodes well for a really good fruit yield this year hopefully to sell some as well as enjoy. What a beautiful blue sky. I hope everyone manages to enjoy some bright sunshine this week.

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