It's a funny old world now when you are out and about. I went to do my Dad's shopping yesterday and travelled on the train as always as I don't drive. The train journey feels so different now. It's not just wearing a mask, the train is virtually empty. On the return journey at rush hour time I used to struggle to find a seat, now they're are less than half a dozen people in the carriage. I find it hard to imagine the trains crowded again. In many ways the world is just as beautiful, it just feels so much harder to see it.
A Wintry Scene On Epsom Downs
I'm looking after Scarlett tomorrow and as the weather forecast is terrible so it's going to be an inside day. The dolls house kitchen furniture has arrived which will keep her amused for a long time. I try and do things here she doesn't do anywhere else. With this in mind I got out this wonderful book from my childhood. It's a young Puffin book called Something To Do which was printed in 1968. My sister and I loved it.
Young Puffin Book Something To Do |
It's broken down into months of the year and has a poem, a flower of the month and a bird of the month. Each month has little activities to do to fit in with the type of weather it will be. Just simple little activities from a time before children had ipads, computers or even TVs. I remember making so many of them and even in this modern age I'm sure Scarlett will enjoy it.
About The Month Of May |
Making A Paper Fortune Teller
Today is going to be a work day today. The weather forecast is for rain so a good day to settle down and catch up. It's hard not to to feel really down watching the news but I hope everyone has a lovely day, the best we can in these times. xx